Graduation and Diploma
The Doctor of Medicine degree is conferred and a diploma is issued to those who successfully complete all requirements for graduation including:
- Passing all core courses and required number of electives.
- Submitting a Student’s Book Examination Chart at the Deanery and filled circulary form.
- Covering all financial obliagtions.
Legalization of your documents
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) certifies the following documents awarded by Polish higher education institutions:
- Diplomas and diploma supplements and their official copies (odpis), including official copies in foreign languages issued by the university.
- Certificates of completion of postgraduate studies (świadectwo ukończenia studiów podyplomowych).
- Duplicates of diplomas, diploma supplements, and certificates of completion of postgraduate studies.
- Certificates of completion of studies (zaświadczenie o ukończeniu studiów).